6 Habits of People Who Are Debt-Free

Debt-Free Habits

Do you want to reach financial independence? Then, start following some or all of the following habits from people who are debt-free:

1. Treat yourself to save

For instance if you are out and about and craving that Ice cold Caramel Macchiato from Starbucks for a quick pick me up, use that money to treat yourself as well as your savings account. Whatever you spend on your splurges, invest that same amount back into your saving account and watch it grow. At the same time, if you can’t afford to save what you spurge then maybe you shouldn’t be splurging! Although debt at some point of life does become apparent, don’t allow it to rule or take over your life. As you learn to save also learn your options should you be in debt, like payday loan consolidation or familiarizing yourself with payday loan consolidation programs.

2. Pretend to make less to be able to make more

Even if you are head under water with debt, create a budget plan with an envisioned income of 10%, 25% or even 50% less then your actual earnings. This should help you save money on the side for the big investments you have been waiting to achieve, and provide you with the financial sufficiency you deserve! If debt is keeping you from big purchases you’re dreaming of, consider consolidating your debt or more easily known as debt consolidation!

3. Actually SAVE in your savings account

Discipline yourself to start somewhere when it comes to setting aside money once payday arrives. Even if you start small, a mere $50 a week will save you close to $3,000 in one year. Although it might not seem like much, statistically proven people are able to save more money successfully when they keep short-term goals in sight.

4. Be able to say “No”

Using the 24 hour rule works best when it comes to saying no to unnecessary purchases. If it isn’t needed immediately take 24 hours to ponder if it is really a necessity buy or simply just an impulse. This will help differentiate as well as help you save money for bigger purchases that are really needed in your life. Saying “No” will help with saving, but saying yes to help with payday loans can help you out even more in the long run! Payday loan relief, or debt relief in general is offered nationwide, but always be sure to do your research on any Debt Consolidation Companies!

5. Be Honest with yourself

“If you will live like noone else, later you can live like noone else” Accepting your financial situation and being able to live by your own means are one of the most important characteristics of people that are debt-free. If you haven’t budgeted for it, don’t spend it! Being honest with yourself also reflects if you are willing to ask for help when needed, especially when in dept, Solid Ground Financial offers payday loan help now when you need it most!

6. Unsubscribe

Nothing is more tempting than the rapid emails that are fired off with headlines such as “BIG sale- Everything must go” or the famous “Today only receive $100 off of a $250 purchase or more” in all reality, although it may seem like you are saving money you really are STILL spending it. Marketing emails have huge targets set right on your wallets, know the difference between a sale and what is really helping you to save.