If you have multiple payday loans, Solid Ground Financial can help! With over 15 years in business consolidating debt with our Payday Loan Consolidation Plan.
Payday Loan Consolidation consolidates your payday loans into one monthly payment. The program will give you back control of your checking account so you do not have multiple payday loans drafting from your account at the same time or ever again. Our Payday Loan Debt Consolidation Plan lowers the interest in most cases and sometimes eliminates interest.
Consolidate Payday Loans in 3 Easy steps:
1. Fill out the online inquiry form. 2. Speak with One of Our Agents 3. Get your quote!Consolidate Your Payday Loans with a no obligation quote!
Solid Ground Financial will help you stop this vicious cycle of payday loans. We can consolidate your payday loans into one monthly payment. The payday loan consolidation program will give you the relief you need to put money back in your pocket and checking account.
Payday loans are normally a loan that’s based on your income. These payments will be withdrawn from your checking account on your payday. This is your credit with the lenders to base the amount you are able to borrow. An installment loan, on the other hand, is also based on your paychecks, however, it’s paid monthly like a traditional loan with a very high interest rate.
There are a few ways to get a payday loan. You can get a storefront loan or an online loan.
Here is an explanation of both and differences between the two:
Storefront loans have a physical location, brick and mortar storefront that lends on state guidelines according to your laws. Which means whatever state you reside and or located the storefront will have to follow state guidelines. These interest rates are normally lower than online loans. They are often located in your local neighborhoods and plazas.
Online loans and Tribal loans are very costly with very high interest rates. These loan companies are based on sovereign land, like your local Indian reservation would be the best example. These loans carry very high interest and are more difficult to pay off.
Look at these examples below:
Payday loan amount: $550.00 with a $50.00 finance charge. That lender will give you two options. Pay $50.00 and renew the loan until next pay period or pay $550.00 plus the $50.00 which equals $600.00 and you’re paid in full.
Loan amount: $550.00
Finance charge: $50.00
Payoff: $600.00
Installment loan amount: $550.00 with 340% interest. Which is borderline illegal according to the United States government. Installment loans can be paid overtime. The original $550.00 will be paid in full over 12 months at a payment of $125.00 a month. That’s double what you borrowed.
With our Payday loan consolidation program, 95% of the time, interest stops once you enroll and your payments go to the principal of the loan.
Solid ground financial has been in business since 2008 consolidating payday loans. Getting help with your payday loans has never been easier. This is what we do everyday to remove the stress of your lenders. Once your payday loans are consolidated any and all correspondence will be sent to our service provider and you can get back to your normal life again.
We have been working with your lenders for over 12 years, proven results.
Solid ground financial will ensure a smooth transition to get you back on solid ground. Please see what current customers are saying below.
You can reach us at 1-877-785-7817 Today.
For those considering the value of Payday Loan Consolidation but unsure if it’s the right solution for their needs, it helps to take a closer look at how such opportunities may help you. Our goal is always to provide you with clear information and tools to help you get out of the financial hole you are facing. But, why should you do that?
Payday loans are predatory lenders. They are not there to truly help consumers but rather to turn a profit, and often at exceedingly high rates. If you’re stuck in the payday loan cycle, that often means that you can’t get out from under the weight of payments. You may be using next week’s payment to pay off your loan, but then you need to borrow more to meet your needs.
Without taking action, nothing can change. You may continue to find yourself struggling to make ends meet. However, if you take a closer look at why you have financial struggles, you may find that the money you pay in increasing fees and higher loan amounts would help you recover if you had it to spend.
You may make enough money to meet your financial needs, but multiple payday loans prevent you from doing so. That’s why it’s critical to seek solutions that allow you to get out from under those conditions. Consolidation may help you.
In every situation, you need to consider what your individual needs are. For example, if you have a single payday loan you are completely confident you can pay off right away, do that. End the cycle. For most people, that is not possible, and the cycle just continues. When you break it through the use of a payday loan consolidation, you end up with numerous benefits.
For those facing financial limitations, the key is to recognize that you do not have to continue on this path. With the help of our team, you’ll have options to get through this with a much stronger financial future ahead of you. When you look at the facts and figures, it often makes good financial sense to make a change in how you are managing your money. We can help you do that.
Even if you are not sure you qualify or that this is something you want to do, it helps to take a closer look at your options. Our team at Solid Ground Financial can provide you with a solution that alleviates your frustrations and costs. In nearly all situations, we provide relief to our customers by giving them solutions. It is critical that you consider all aspects of your financial health right now. Let our team help you get the financial relief needed to start on the path to financial wealth building.
Need help? Call us at 1-877-785-7817 today.
*Solid Ground Financial is a Debt Relief Referral Service
*Solid Ground Financial Does Not Provide Loans to Consumers.
*We do not provide referrals for loans. We do not offer payday loans
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